Enjoy an incredibly fast consumer-grade 3D-printing experience with the KOKONI SOTA. With a cutting-edge design, it boasts an impressive speed of 600 mm/s. Additionally, this accurate and stable 3D printer has an acceleration of 21,000 mm /s^2. With advanced features like a custom high-speed stepper motor, it also has a closed-loop motor system for reliably smooth operation. Giving you exceptional performance, it has an inverted design that delivers nearly zero vibration. In fact, it operates at less than 30 dB. Moreover, it has advanced Optical Radar as well as a high-precision linear rail with a ground ball screw for added accuracy. Furthermore, it requires no assembly or manual bed leveling, so you can print right away. Not only that, but it also allows for remote printing via Wi-Fi and app connectivity.
KOKONI SOTA consumer-grade 3D printer delivers impressive performance & 600 mm/s speed
KOKONI SOTA consumer-grade 3D printer delivers impressive performance & 600 mm/s speed
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